------------------------------------------------------------------ ALi USB HostLink Controller VirtualNetwork/SuperLink Installation for Windows 98/Me/2000/XP Platform Jan 2003 ------------------------------------------------------------------ (c) Copyright ALi Corporation 2002. All Rights Reserved ------------------------------------------------------------------ -------- CONTENTS -------- 1. Introduction 2. Installation 3. Install VirtualNetwork solution 4. Configure VirtualNetwork adapter 5. Install SuperLink solution 1. Introduction ============================== ALi USB Host Link controller solution provides two software solutions in one installation package, i.e., "USB Super Link" and "USB Virtual Network" to be optionally installed. However, these two solutions should NOT co-exist in one computer system due to operating system support and hardware limitation. The "USB Super Link" software package provides a software tool SuperLink.exe to enable end-user being capable of accessing remote file data in remote computer's storage device(s) through a simple drag&drop procedure. While the "USB Virtual Network" software package is developed to be an NDIS-compliant solution by emulating a virtual LAN interoperability among peer-to-peer end-users' computers. 2. Installation ============================== This package provides setup utility to automatically install/uninstall/update the driver. User also can use Windows' installation wizard to install/uninstall/update driver. The following steps teach user how to use the setup utility. The first step is to double click the self-extract compressed file to extract the installation scripts to an assigned sub-directory. Run setup utility from the sub-directory. The setup utility is developed to be able to install/uninstall and switch between ALi's VirtualNetwork or SuperLink drivers support. ALi's VirtualNetwork and SuperLink software packages are different types of driver solutions to support ALi's USB Host link controller product. To prevent any unnecessary system confusion and mis-operation, the setup utility will automatically detect whether any prior version of VirtualNetwork or SuperLink drivers has been installed, and ask end-user to select his target application usage from beginning. 3. Install VirtualNetwork solution ==================================== 1) Run setup.exe a) Select "USB Virtual Network Adapter" b) If it is the first time to install VirtualNetwork, the default option is just to install VirtualNetwork. c) If VirtualNetwork has been installed, there will be an option item prompting up to ask end-user whether to reinstall or to remove(uninstall) VirtualNetwork. Please choose one option. d) If SuperLink has been installed, there will be an option item prompting up to ask end-user whether to only remove SuperLink, or to remove SuperLink and install VirtualNetwork . Please choose one option as needed. 2) Click button "Next". 3) Click button "Finish" to complete the installation. 4) If end-user chooses to install VirtualNetwork in step 1), then plugging ALi's USB Host Link Controller module into the USB port of both PCs. For Windows 2000 and Windows XP, it is to be noted that user should click "Next" directly, when the O.S. reminds user that the provided drivers doesn't have a digital signature. 5) Wait for system to generate IP address. This action will usually take around 30 seconds, depending on overall system configuration applied. Under Windows 98 during System generating IP address,System will be busy about 30 seconds,please be patient. Under Windows Me/2000/XP during System generating IP address,the IP address is,please be patient until the real IP address is generated. 4. Configure VirtualNetwork adapter =================================== 1) There is a frame size mode" option of VirtualNetwork adapter. You can found this option from the "advaced properties" of this VirtualNetwork adapter property page. "Standard mode" is the common network adapter mode. "Turbo mode" is the faster mode,but it can only work with TCP/IP and IPX protocol."Turbo mode" can not work with NetBeui protocol. Under windows 98 SE/Me,the default mode is "Standard mode",while under windows 2000/XP,the default mode is "Turbo mode". 2) If you want to connect windows 98/Me with windows 2000/XP ,Please set the "frame size mode" of windows 2000/XP's VirtualNetwork adapter to "standard mode". 5. Install SuperLink solution =================================== 1) Run setup.exe a) Select "USB Super Link Adapter" b) If it is the first time to install SuperLink, the default option is just to install Super Link. c) If SuperLink has been installed, there will be an option item prompting up to ask uers whether to reinstall or to remove(uninstall) SuperLink. Please choose one option. d) If VirtualNetwork has been installed, there will be an option item prompting up to ask user whether to only remove VirtualNetwork or to remove VirtualNetwork and install SuperLink. Please choose one option. 2) Choose the SuperLink application executable file (with path). 3) Click button "Next". 4) Click button "Finish" to complete installation. 5) If end-user chooses to install SuperLink in step 1), then plugging ALi USB Host Link Controller device into the USB port of both PCs. For Windows XP, it is to be noted that user should click "Next" directly, when the system O.S. reminds user that the provided drivers doesn't have a digital signature.