Simple Power SQLite Class v.0.6


Simple Power SQLite class: Class in PHP for easy SQLite operation.

Tested on PHP 4.3.3 (Win XP) - PHP5.0.0b2dev (Win XP).

Variable Summary
 bool $_buffer
 array $_colsType
 string $_command
 resource $_conn
 string $_file
 resource $_result
 array $_tableInfo
 string $_type
 string $_version
Method Summary
 void SPSQLite (string $file, [bool $persistent = false], [bool $showError = true], [bool $rememberType = true])
 void addFunction (string $name, string $originalFunction, int $args)
 void addQuery (string $query)
 int affectedRows ()
 void alterTable (mixed $tableName, array $newDefinition, [array $sourceCols = null], [array $targetCols = null], string $tablename)
 string classVersion ()
 void close ()
 void commitTransaction ([bool $stop = false])
 string decodeBinary (string $content)
 string encodeBinary (string $file)
 string escapeString (string $string)
 array getColsType ([string $colname = ''])
 array getTableInfo (string $tablename, [string $type = ''])
 int lastInsertId ()
 string libEncoding ()
 string libVersion ()
 int numRows ()
 void optimizeDatabase (string $indexOrTable)
 bool query (string $query, [bool $buffer = true])
 mixed returnRows ([string $type = null])
 mixed selectRows (int $index01, [int $index02 = null], [string $type = null])
 void setWaitingTime (int $milliseconds)
 void turboMode ()
 array _colsTypeCombine (mixed $name, mixed $type)
 string _createColsQuery (mixed $colsDefinition, [mixed $onlyName = false], array $colsfinition)
 string _filterName (mixed $col)
 string _filterTrim (mixed $col)
 string _filterType (mixed $col)
 void _setColsType ()
 void _setTableInfo (string $tablename)
 void _setType (string $type)
 void _showError ([string $message = ''])
bool $_buffer = true (line 107)

Use or not use buffer/unbeffered result?

int $_busyTimeout = 30000 (line 160)


array $_colsType = '' (line 180)

Array with cols name and type

  • see:
  • access: private
string $_command = '' (line 87)

the SQL query

resource $_conn = null (line 67)

Resouce of SQLite connection

string $_file = '' (line 57)

The name of database

  • see: SPQSLite()
  • access: private
bool $_openTransaction = false (line 150)

The state of transaction

string $_rememberType = true (line 120)

Set behaviour (reset or not reset the type setting?)

If $_rememberType is true, it comes remembered between one call and the other of returnRow() and selectRow(), if it is false, $_type always comes set on 'both'

resource $_result = null (line 97)

The result resource

bool $_showError = false (line 77)

Show or not show the error message?

array $_tableInfo = '' (line 170)

Array with table information

  • see:
  • access: private
array $_transaction = array() (line 140)

Array of query

string $_type = SQLITE_BOTH (line 130)

Type of array index (row)

string $_version = 'SPSQLite Class v 0.6' (line 47)

The class version

Constructor SPSQLite (line 198)

Set the properties $file, $persistent and $showMessage.

Connect to database.

  • access: public
void SPSQLite (string $file, [bool $persistent = false], [bool $showError = true], [bool $rememberType = true])
  • string $file: filename (the SQLite database)
  • bool $persistent: true or false
  • bool $showError: true or false
  • bool $rememberType: true or false
addFunction (line 500)

This method expand the SQLite ability

The functions added with this method, can be used in the sql query. The functgion of PHP, they can be called with the sintax: php('functionName', param, param, ...)

  • access: public
void addFunction (string $name, string $originalFunction, int $args)
  • string $name: name of SQLite function
  • string $originalFunction: name of the original funtion to call
  • int $args: number of aguments
addQuery (line 760)

Add a query to transaction

  • access: public
void addQuery (string $query)
  • string $query
affectedRows (line 659)

Return how many lines are changed

  • access: public
int affectedRows ()
alterTable (line 265)

Alter the structure of table

  • access: public
void alterTable (mixed $tableName, array $newDefinition, [array $sourceCols = null], [array $targetCols = null], string $tablename)
  • string $tablename: name of table
  • array $newDefinition: array that it define a columns name and type. Es: array('name1'=>'type1','name1'=>'type1',...);
  • array $sourceCols: array that define a columns name of table source Es: array('name1','name1',...);
  • array $targetCols: array that define destination columns
beginTransaction (line 696)

Start transaction process

  • access: public
void beginTransaction ()
classVersion (line 829)

The version of class

  • access: public
string classVersion ()
close (line 872)

Close a connection to database

  • access: public
void close ()
commitTransaction (line 715)

Finish the transaction process

  • access: public
void commitTransaction ([bool $stop = false])
  • bool $stop: true or false, if $stop is true
decodeBinary (line 460)

This method return decoded binary data

  • access: public
string decodeBinary (string $content)
  • string $content: binary data
encodeBinary (line 428)

This method return encoded binary data

  • access: public
string encodeBinary (string $file)
  • string $file: name/path of file
escapeString (line 781)

Prepare a string with special characters

  • access: public
string escapeString (string $string)
  • string $string
getColsType (line 405)

This method return an array with columns name and type of the current table

  • return: or string
  • access: public
array getColsType ([string $colname = ''])
  • string $colname: a specific column name
getTableInfo (line 359)

This method return an array of table info or a specific info

  • return: or string
  • access: public
array getTableInfo (string $tablename, [string $type = ''])
  • string $tablename: the name of table
  • string $type: specific the typo of information to obtain valid values are: 'type','name','tbl_name','rootpage','sql'
lastInsertId (line 643)

Return the last insert id (column declared INTEGER PRIMARY KEY )

  • access: public
int lastInsertId ()
libEncoding (line 797)

The encoding of library

  • access: public
string libEncoding ()
libVersion (line 813)

The version of library

  • access: public
string libVersion ()
numRows (line 675)

Return the number of rows

  • access: public
int numRows ()
optimizeDatabase (line 477)

Optimize dimension of database with the SQLite statemant VACUUM

  • access: public
void optimizeDatabase (string $indexOrTable)
  • string $indexOrTable: an index of a name of table
query (line 520)

Submit a SQL query to database

  • access: public
bool query (string $query, [bool $buffer = true])
  • string $query: query SQL SQLite compatible
  • bool $buffer: true or false (If you only need sequential access to
returnRows (line 552)

Get rows !!

  • access: public
mixed returnRows ([string $type = null])
  • string $type: 'both', 'assoc' or 'num'
selectRows (line 584)

Select a portion of rowset

  • access: public
mixed selectRows (int $index01, [int $index02 = null], [string $type = null])
  • int $index01: first row number
  • int $index02: last row number
  • string $type: type of index 'both', 'num' or 'assoc'
setWaitingTime (line 226)

Set the waiting time to busy

  • access: public
void setWaitingTime (int $milliseconds)
  • int $milliseconds: number of missiseconds
turboMode (line 243)

Increase the performance of SQLite

  • access: public
void turboMode ()
_colsTypeCombine (line 945)

Accessory method

  • access: private
array _colsTypeCombine (mixed $name, mixed $type)
_createColsQuery (line 309)

This method create a fragment of query (process the array whith columns definition)

  • access: private
string _createColsQuery (mixed $colsDefinition, [mixed $onlyName = false], array $colsfinition)
  • array $colsfinition: array that it define a columns name or columns name and type
_filterName (line 888)

Accessory method

  • access: private
string _filterName (mixed $col)
_filterTrim (line 928)

Accessory method

  • access: private
string _filterTrim (mixed $col)
_filterType (line 908)

Accessory method

  • access: private
string _filterType (mixed $col)
_rollbackTransaction (line 743)

If a query fails in a transaction, this method it takes part

  • access: private
void _rollbackTransaction ()
_setColsType (line 381)

Set the array _colsType with columns information

  • access: private
void _setColsType ()
_setTableInfo (line 338)

This method set _tableInfo

  • access: private
void _setTableInfo (string $tablename)
  • string $tablename: the name of table
_setType (line 621)

This method set a type-index of the array rows

  • access: private
void _setType (string $type)
  • string $type: 'both', 'num' or 'assoc'
_showError (line 846)

Print the last error

  • access: private
void _showError ([string $message = ''])
  • string $message: the error message

Documention generated on Mon, 14 Jul 2003 14:38:56 +0200 by phpDocumentor 1.2.1